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Software Engineering 4 Years Program

Courses Offered in Software Engineering

Approved Scheme of Studies for session 2015-19 onwards

Course Code  Course  Title Lac.  Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-1101  Introduction to Programming(C/C++) 3 1 4
CS-1102  Introduction to Computing 3 1 4
MT-1103  Calculus and Analytical geometry 3 0 3
PH-1105  Basic Electronics 2 1 3
EG-1104  English Comprehension and Composition 3 0 3
SS-1106 Pakistan Studies 2 0 2
Course Code   Course  Title    Lac.  Hrs.   Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-1201 Object Oriented Programming (C++) 3 1 4
CS-1202 Discrete Structures 3 0 3
EG-1204 Communication Skills 3 0 3
SS-1205 Islamic Studies 2 0 2
MT-1203 Linear Algebra 3 0 3
MG-1206 Financial Accounting 3 0 3
Course Code   Course  Title    Lac.  Hrs.   Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-2101 Data Structure & Algorithm 3 1 4
CS-2103 Digital Logic Design 3 1 4
CS-2104 Introduction to Software 3 0 3
SS-2102 Statistics & Probability 3 0 3
MT-2106 Differential Equations 3 0 3
EG-2104 Technical and Business Report Writing 3 0 3
Course Code   Course  Title    Lac.  Hrs.   Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-2204 Introduction to Database Systems 3 1 4
SE-2205 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3 1 4
SE-2206 Software Requirements and Specifications 3 0 3
CS-2203 Numerical Analysis 3 0 3
Computing Software Engineering 3 1 4
Elective Course I
Course Code   Course  Title    Lac.  Hrs.   Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-3102 Operating Systems 3 1 4
CS-3103 Computer Communication & Networks 3 1 4
SE-3101  Software Design and Architecture 3 0 3
MG-3108 Human Resource Management 3 0 3
Computing Software Engineering 3 0 3
Elective Course II
Course Code   Course  Title    Lac.  Hrs.   Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-3202  Human Computer Interaction 3 0 3
SE-3201 Software Verification and Validation 3 0 3
CS-3215  Natural Language Processing 3 0 3
MG-3205 Professional Ethics 3 0 3
Computing Software Engineering 3 0 3
Elective Course III
Course Code   Course  Title    Lac.  Hrs.   Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-4101 Thesis/ Project Part I 0 3 3
SE-4102  Software Project Management 3 0 3
Computing Software Engineering 3 0 3
Elective Course V
Computing Software Engineering 3 0 3
Elective Course VI
Software Engineering Elective Courses 3 0 3
Domain Specific Part I
Course Code   Course  Title    Lac.  Hrs.   Lab Hrs. Credit Hrs.
CS-4201 Thesis / Project Part – II 0 3 3
SS-4202 SS-4202 Arabic 3 0 3
MG-4203  Marketing and Entrepreneurship 3 0 3
Software Engineering Elective Courses 3 0 3
Domain Specific Part I
Oral Comprehensive Examination S/U Basis
 Internship and Practical Training S/U Basis