Vice Chancellor OfficeRegistrar OfficeFinance OfficeAdvanced Studies

Directorate of Advanced Studies & Research Office

The Directorate of Advances Studies and Research has been established to stream line the functioning of different M.Phil./ Ph.D. Degree programs. The Directorate under the dynamic leadership of Director Advanced Studies and Research is striving hard to facilitate all the post-graduate students for their admission, enrollment, approval of supervisory committees, approval of synopses, and organization of defenses of synopses and theses.

The Directorate of Advanced studies and Research has also been assigned the task to formulate and recommend new rules and ways to further strengthen and expand the academic disciplines in light of different directives and models of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. The Directorate is striving hard for achieving academic excellence and ensuring authenticity, transparency, competitiveness and timely completion of all research degree programs within the stipulated time period. Besides, the Directorate facilitates different departments and institutes in organizing conferences, workshops, seminars and symposia. Keeping in view the needs of modern era and human resource development, the Directorate also facilitates faculty and officers by providing opportunities for different training programs.

The Directorate also administers different awards like, Best teacher award, best student award and best player award. In the fiscal year 2016, against the allocated budget of Rs. 10,036,000/- in the central budget head “Research Support Fund” for F.Y 2016-17, the Directorate invited applications, for awarding incentives from the following;

I) Faculty members for Research Publications in Impact factor Research Journals.
ii) Faculty members supervising M.Phil./Ph.D. Scholars.
iii) Faculty members/employees doing M.Phil. / Ph.D.
v) For Research Projects.

An amount of Rs.6,088,750/-has been approved for payment to the Faculty Members/Officers on account of Research Publications, Supervision of Scholars and doing M.Phil./ Ph.D. during regular service. Another amount of Rs. 654,500/- has been approved in favour of Faculty Members as 2nd Installment for their Research Projects and an amount of Rs. 3,200,000/-has been granted for research purpose to the different departments. The directorate holds meetings of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research on monthly basis. The main functions of Board of Advanced Studies and research are to;

I) Advise the Authorities on all matters connected with the promotion of advanced studies and research in the University
Ii) Consider and report to the Authorities on the institutions of research degrees in the University
iii) Propose regulations for the award of Research Degrees
iv) Appoint supervisors for postgraduate research students and approve titles and synopses of their theses/dissertations
V) Recommend panels of examiners for evaluation of Thesis and other research examinations after considering the proposals of Board of Studies in this regard
Vi) Perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the statutes.

Board of Advanced Studies and Research consists of Officials;

Vice Chancellor Chairman
2 All Deans Members
3 Three University Professors, other than Deans, to be appointed by Syndicate Members
4 Three University Teachers having research qualifications and experience to be appointed by the Academic Council Members
5 Director Advanced Studies & Research Secretary


Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rafique

Ph: (Off) (+92)5822-962337

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