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Courses Offered in B.S Islamic Studies

Course Code    Course Lec. Hrs
ISD -3101 Study of Seerah of Holy Prophet(ﷺ) 3(3-0)
ISD – 3102 Ilm ul Qeraat & Tajveed 3(3-0)
EDU-3103 Introduction to Education 3(3-0)
ISD–3104  Arabic I 3(3-0)
ENG -3105 English   I 3(3-0)
PAK-3106 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)
Total 17
Course Code    Course Lec. Hrs
ISD – 3201 Islamic History(Klafat e Rashdah) 3(3-0)
ISD – 3202 Islamic Studies 2(2-0)
ISD –3203 Introduction to divine Economics 3(3-0)
URD –3204 Urdu 3(3-0)
 ENG – 3205 English-II 3(3-0)
ISD –3206 Arabic Language II 3(3-0)
Total 17
Course Code    Course Lec. Hrs
ISD -4301 Introduction to The Holy-Qur’an 3(3-0)
ISD – 4302 Arabic 3(3-0)
ISD -4303 English III 3(3-0)
PSY-4304 Introduction to Psychology 3(3-0)
SOC -4305 Introduction to Sociology 3(3-0)
KSD– 4306 Kashmir studies 3(3-0)
Total 18
Course Code   Course Lec. Hrs
ISD – 4401 Introduction  to The Hadith and Its principle 3(3-0)
ISD – 4402 Textual Study of Al Quran I 3(3-0)
ISD – 4403 Introduction to Communication studies 3(3-0)
MAT – 4404 Introduction to Mathematics 3(3-0)
ISD – 4405 Arabic 3(3-0)
IT – 4306 Introduction to Computer and Information Technology 3(3-0)
Total 18
Course Code   Course Lec. Hrs
ISD – 5501 Textual Study of Al Hadith-I 3(3-0)
ISD – 5502 Introduction to Fiqh and Its principle 3(3-0)
ISD – 5503 Study of Islamic Fiqh (Ebadat) 3(3-0)
ISD – 5504 Islamic History II 3(3-0)
ISD – 5505 Comparative studies of  world religions 3(3-0)
Total 15
Course Code   Course Lec. Hrs
ISD – 5601 Textual Study of Al Quran II 3(3-0)
ISD – 5602 Textual Study of Al Hadith II 3(3-0)
ISD – 5603 Study of Fiqh ( Muslim Family Laws) 3(3-0)
ISD – 5604 Islamic International Law(فقہ السیّر) 3(3-0)
ISD – 5605 Islamic History(III) 3(3-0)
Course Code   Course Lec. Hrs
ISD – 6701 Research Methodology 3(3-0)
ISD – 6702 Study of Islamic Fiqh-   مطالعہ فقہ(فقہ المالیات) 3(3-0)
ISD – 6703 Iqbal and Islamic perspective 3(3-0)
ISD – 6704 Islamic political and social system 3(3-0)
KSD – 6705 Islamic Economical system(اسلام کا معاشی نظام) 3(3-0)
Total 15
Course Code   Course Lec. Hrs
ISD – 6801 Study  of  Islamic  Fiqh-(Criminal Laws) 3(3-0)
ISD – 6802 Al-Da’wah-wal Irshad 3(3-0)
ISD – 6803 The Ethics of Disagreement in Islam ادب الاختلاف 3(3-0)
ISD – 6804 Philosophy and Ilm ul kalam(optional) 3(3-0)
ISD – 6805 Islam and science(optional) 3(3-0)
ISD – 6806 Thesis 6(6-0)
Total 15
Total Credit Hours in Degree 130