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C.S & I.T – 4 Years Program

Courses Offered in B.S. C.S & I.T

Course Code     Course   Title  Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
CS-1101 Introduction to Computing 3 1 4
CS-1102 Introduction to Programming 3 1 4
MT-1103 Calculus and Analytical geometry 3 0 3
—- Computing General Education Courses-I 3 0 3
PH-1105 Basic Electronics 2 1 3
SS-1106 Computing General Education Courses-II 2 0 2
Course Code     Course   Title  Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
CS-1101 Introduction to Computing 3 1 4
CS-1102 Introduction to Programming 3 1 4
MT-1103 Calculus and Analytical geometry 3 0 3
—- Computing General Education Courses-I 3 0 3
PH-1105 Basic Electronics 2 1 3
SS-1106 Computing General Education Courses-II 2 0 2
Course Code     Course   Title                          Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
CS-2101 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 1 4
SS-2102 Statistics & Probability 3 0 3
CS-2103 Digital Logic & Design 2 1 3
CS-2104 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 0 3
—- Computing General Education Courses-V 3
MT-2106 Differential Equations 3 0 3
Course Code     Course   Title                          Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
—- CS-Supporting Area Courses-II 3 —- —-
—- CS-Supporting Area Courses-III 3 —- —-
CS-2204 Introduction to Database Systems 4 3 1
CS-2206 Data Communication 3 3 0
CS-2207 Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3 2 1
CS-2208 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages 3 3 0
Course Code     Course   Title                          Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
CS-3101 Computer Architecture 3 3 0
CS-3102 Operating Systems 4 3 1
—- CS-Elective Courses-I 3
—- CS-Elective Courses-II 3
—- University Elective-II 3
—- CS-Elective Courses-III 3
Course Code     Course   Title                          Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
—- CS-Elective Courses-IV —- —- 3
—- CS-Elective Courses-V —- —- 3
—- CS-Elective Courses-VI —- —- 3
—- University Elective-III —- —- 3
CS-3208 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 0 3
CS-3213 Compiler Construction 2 1 3
Course Code     Course   Title                          Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
CS-4101 Thesis/Project Part-I —- —- 2
CS-4102 Human Computer Interaction 3 0 3
CS-4103 Artificial Intelligence 2 1 3
—- CS-Elective Courses-VII —- —- 3
Course Code     Course   Title                          Lect Hrs Lab Hrs credit Hrs
CS-4201 Thesis/Project Part-II 4
SS-4202 Computing General Education Courses-VI (Arabic) 3 0 3
—- CS-Elective Courses-VIII —- —- 3
—- University Elective-IV —- —- 3
—- Oral Comprehensive Examination —– —- S/U Basis
—- Internship/Practical Training —- —- S/U Basis