IntroductionPublicationsProgramsFaculty Members

The psychology department is dedicated to the education of students in enhancing their perception, understanding, and appreciating the science of behavior and mental processes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We endorse the educational mission: learn, lead, and change the world. Students majoring in psychology are exposed to essential concepts that provide them with a solid foundation in the development of problem-solving and critical skills which are core to our department. Department of Psychology was established in 2014 intended to teach academic concepts of Psychology in acquaintance with real-world application.

The psychology department assists students to identify and interpret the various mental and emotional factors responsible for human psychology.  This program is a baseline for many who need to follow higher studies in the field of psychology from any recognized university in the world. The students will get a chance to discover different fields of psychology like cognitive, organizational, environmental, positive psychology, child and adolescent psychology, child development, social psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and many more.


The department of Psychology purposes to impart academic as well as functional knowledge of psychology to applicable students. The Psychology Department is committed to research and graduate training that all underline rigorous scientific methods, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a focus on the interplay between brain, mind, and behavior. Students and faculty establish close alliances to acquire the rational principles of performance and mental processes, to make meaningful contributions to the science and application of psychology, and to produce proficient students who serve the native, national, and global communities. 


 The psychology Department missions to advance the scientific discipline of psychology through the synergistic relationship between teaching, research, and service. We are enthusiastic about preparing students to become psychologically literate citizens with the skills necessary to enhance and involve in life activities that aids to advance scientific knowledge, resolve problems and energetically participate in efforts to improve our societies and beyond. We achieve this purpose by utilizing best practices in science education, close instructional contact, and research training with experts in a variety of fields of psychology, conducting and disseminating cutting-edge scientific research, and fostering engagement in applied learning/service opportunities that connect students with the larger community beyond the classroom.

Program Objectives

  • To retain high practical standards for undergraduate and graduate students and keep understanding and collective learning setting envisioned to enhance personal skills.
  • To perform with morality and precision in our academic and professional activities.
  • To encourage transparency, authenticity, and concern in departmental activities and to help students advance with good investigative skills by thinking critically and enabling them to manufacture and evaluate information well.

Teaching & Assessment:-

 Teaching is based on joint class involvement, observation, group discussion, class presentations by students, pair work, assignments, etc. to maintain enthusiasm and make learning more real. The use of audiovisual aids helps the education process easily, relaxed, and more absorbed for students.

Assessment evaluates thinking, learning, and behavior on class presentation of students, their presence, projects/assignments, and predominantly semester examination results. The assessment covers many skill areas, such as general intellectual and emotional level, learning, rational problem solving, planning and organization, academic skills (reading, spelling, and writing).


Dr. Samina Sabir
Ph.D (Pak)
Ph. No +925882-960485
Fax. No +925882-960457
E-mail :


Ms. Nayyab Khurshid, M.Phil (Pak)
Ms. Erum Abid, M.Phil (Pak)
Ms. Misbah Shafique Abbasi, M.Phil (Pak)
Zain Khan, (MS Pak)
