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The Department of Electrical Engineering offers a selection of graduate courses and activities leading to the degrees of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). These programs allow students to choose a program of study suited to their interests, individual needs and talents.

The program is broad in perspective and maintain a balance between scholarly excellence and practical relevance. The program is oriented towards strengthening the students’ background in the area of their specialization but are so designed as to deepen their understanding in one or more selected areas in electrical engineering.

Particular emphasis is placed on developing research potential, fostering and encouraging original research and professional competence in the field of concentration.

The Department of Electrical Engineering currently offers graduate courses and research activities in a variety of areas that span the full breadth of Electrical Engineering including communications, modern electronics, control systems and digital signal processing. For all the programs, the students are required to complete successfully a carefully selected sequence of courses and conduct supervised research where the results will culminate in a written M.S. thesis, which must be defended by the student.

Objectives of the program

A challenging graduate program has been structured on the basis of the classical objective, which is the preparation for study of doctoral level, and this remains an important aspect of such programs, but it is believed that such programs should prepare the student for study beyond the master’s level. Many people, already in the field, desire additional training in Electrical Engineering. These individuals may have undergraduate degrees in Electrical/Electronic or Telecom and desire to advance; or they may have considerable experience in said fields, but little formal education in the field. In addition, there will be a continuing need for individuals with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical/Electronic or Telecom Engineers to update their training.

Among the objectives for students in master’s programs is entering into the said field at a relatively high level of responsibility and expertise. Since Electrical Engineering is rapidly expanding field, therefore the individuals entering the field with a master’s degree will move to a position with great responsibility. This, in turn, implies the requirement for an advanced level of training in both technical and related areas. In all these cases, the master’s degree provides both motivations for the student and a standard for reward by the employer.


Scope regarding market, social and employment perspective of program

Scope in electrical engineering lie in the areas of generating electricity, its distribution and transmission. As everything from house to industry requires electricity to function, there are tremendous career prospects in this field in Pakistan as well as in other developed countries across the world. Electrical engineering has a wide scope of applicability and it varies depending upon different needs.

Different types of employers offer jobs to electrical engineers. Employers range from computer-technology corporations and chemical companies to power and telephone companies. Both small and large companies in the private sector and the government sector offer placement for electrical engineers. Electrical engineers can find employment in Electrical equipment and system manufacturing companies, Power generation and transmission, Telecommunication, Railways, IT industry, Health care equipment manufacturing industry, public sector industries like petroleum, steel and chemical industry, Research and design etc.

Electrical engineers also find employment in atomic power plants, hydroelectric power plants as well as thermal power plants. Many electrical engineering graduates opt for careers in the food, pulp and paper, aircraft and automobile industries.

Educational Institutions and Research establishments recruit electrical engineers as faculty and scientists. One can also do research work in this field by joining research labs and institutes. Teaching career is also rewarding. They can join an engineering college/university as a full time or part time lecturer/professor. They can also enter into self-employment by starting own ventures. Young engineers have chances to work in the Defense Services as well.

Streams Offered in Electrical Engineering

The department of Electrical Engineering offers specializations in the following streams:

  1. Power Engineering
  2. Electronics
  3. Telecommunication


Entry/Admission Requirement of the Program

  1. Sixteen years of schooling or 4 years (minimum 124 credit hours) education after HSSC/A’ Level in relevant discipline with minimum CGPA of 2.0 out of 4.0 OR 50% marks in annual system of examination and no 3rd division in the academic record (percentage will only be considered if CGPA is not mentioned on the transcript).
  2. GAT (General) conducted by NTS with at least 50 accumulative scores OR a similar graduate admission test conducted by UAJK.

MS. Electrical Engineering 2 Years Program

Duration of the program and semester-wise break-up of work load/credit hours

Course Code Course Title Contact Hrs
Core 1 3
Core II 3
Core III 3
Total 9
Course Code Course Title Contact Hrs
Elective I 3
Elective II 3
Elective III 3
Total 9
Course Code Course Title Contact Hrs
Elective IV 3
Elective V 3
Thesis I 3
Total 9
Course Code Contact Hrs
Thesis II 3
Total 3

Electrical Engineering Specialization Base Depth Elective

List of Electives

Code  Electronics   Telecommunication
EE470 Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing
EE471 Computer Communication  Network Computer Communication Network
EE472 Mobile and Wireless Communication Mobile and Wireless Communication
EE473 VLSI  Design Radar & Satellite Engineering
EE474 Antenna and Microwave Engineering Antenna and Microwave Engineering
EE475 Digital Image Processing Digital Image Processing
EE476 Opto-Electronics  Information Theory and Coding
EE477 Introduction to Nano Technology  Digital Communications
EE478 Digital Control System Optical Communication
EE479 Solid State Devices Transmission and Switching Systems
Code Course
NS230 Complex variable & Transform
NS331 Numerical Analysis
NS232 Multi Variable Calculus
NS333 Discrete Mathematics
Code Course
ME280/ME180  Engineering Mechanics
ME381 Thermodynamics
Me382 Engineering Materials
Me383 Geotech Engineering