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Events Highlights

 OBE Training Held at UET, Taxila by Prof. Gulistan Raja

OBE trainings are essential for understanding the implementation of OBE to Engineering Education. Dr. Khalid Khawaja and Dr. Aadil Sarwar Khan from Dept. of EE, UAJ&K attended a practical OBE training CPD course held at the Dept of EE, the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila on March 08, 2022. Speaker Prof. Dr. Gulistan Raja from UET, Taxila taught several OBE implementation techniques in a simple and straightforward way, which made the training session helpful and fruitful for all the participants. We hope the training session will also be helpful for the successful implementation of the OBE system in the Department of Electrical Engineering, UAJ&K.

One-day OBE Training held by the Faculty of Engineering.

One day training was held under the umbrella of Faculty of Engineering for both Electrical and Software Engineering Departments on May 12, 2022. The speaker Dr. Mehboob Alam from the University of Poonch Rawalakot discussed several practical aspects of OBE systems such as Complex Engineering Problems and Open-Ended labs etc.

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Two-days training on OBE systems and PEC Accreditation guidelines.

Dr. Saad ur Rehman, Dean Faculty of Sciences and HoD Computer Engineering, HITECH University, Taxila visited the department of electrical engineering, UAJK, Muzaffarabad, and conducted a comprehensive session on OBE and its various aspects on August 31st and September 01, 2022. The faculty members of electrical engineering and software engineering actively participated in the session. At the end of the session, the Dean Faculty of Engineering presented a shield to Dr. Saad ur Rehman. Sincere thanks to Dr. Saad for sparing his valuable time for DEE UAJK.

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Workshop on Emergency Handling Skills

A two-day training workshop was organized on October 27 and 28, 2021 in the department of Electrical Engineering in collaboration with Rescue 1122. The workshop was aimed at learning different ways to help out the citizens in an emergency situation. This was basically an emergency preparedness workshop in which participants were apprised regarding Medical first aid, Fire, and fire safety. The workshop was concluded with overall activity demonstration on the ground. Special thanks to Rescue 1122 for such a wonderful contribution.

Sports Gala Department of Electrical Engineering

Sports are an integral part of campus life at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad. Sports make a significant contribution to the all-round harmonious development of the students.

Two-day long sports gala was aimed to provide students ample opportunities to discover their strengths through sports and learn important life skills such as teamwork and sportsmen spirit. This sports gala may also serve as a nursery for players to enhance their sports skills for national level sports. In this connection, the Department of Electrical Engineering organized a two-day Sports Gala for students on January 11-12, 2022. Each year, Department organizes an annual sports gala for students.

In this his two-day colorful event students and faculty members actively participated in different games including cricket, badminton, Tug of war, Ludo, football, and many others. The event was inaugurated by the Dr. Khalid Mehmood, HOD Electrical Engineering. On the first day, cricket matches between two teams comprising students of different semesters were played. On the second day, the final match of cricket was played between 5th semester and 3rd semester. Besides this, Badminton, Tug of War, Ludo and other matches were organized among teams.

At the end of the event, the winning teams got prizes and trophies. The faculty of Electrical Engineering and administration staff appreciated the performances of students in different competitions. The guest of the event appreciated the efforts of management for organizing the wonderful event for the Electrical Engineering Students and also congratulated the winning teams.

Hands-on workshop on Robotics Designing and Coding

The Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad in collaboration with Robootika and ORIC University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir has organized a two-Day workshop on “Hands-on workshop on Robotics Designing and Coding” on May 17 and 18, 2022. This workshop aims to develop the technical industry demanding skills of the students by offering a hands-on workshop in which students will work on hardware kits for designing Robots. The graduates can work in a wide number of engineering firms as programmers, system design engineers, product testing & maintenance engineers, automation field specialists, and application engineers. With the practical skills, they can also pursue a stable career in academia, and industry, and can even start their entrepreneurial ventures. Prof Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi, the Vice-Chancellor, was the chief guest at the certificate distribution ceremony of the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. On this, occasion, Vice-Chancellor AJK University, Prof Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi gave shields to Workshop Organizer Dr. Sheeraz Iqbal and Resource person Engr. Aqib Shafiq Abbasi on the successful organization of the workshop. The Vice-Chancellor and Dean Faculty of Engineering distributed the certificates to the participants of the workshop. The event was also addressed by The Vice-Chancellor, Dean Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Muhammad Qayyum Khan, and HOD Electrical Engineering Dr Khalid Khawaja and resource person.

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Research Trends and Scholarship Opportunities for Engineering Graduates

The Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad in collaboration with Robootika has organized a seminar on “Research Trends and Scholarship Opportunities for Engineering Graduates” on May 26, 2022. Dr Qazi Saqib ul Islam was a guest speaker of the seminar. In the seminar, he highlighted different steps, procedures and guiding notes to the students for the higher studies application. He also explained the important aspects of statement of purpose, letter of motivation and CV in the admission application for funded opportunities. Engr. Professor Saddat Dar was also addressed to participants of the seminar. He mentioned that these seminars and workshops are very important to enhance the exposure of the students. Engr. Dr Saddat Dar also thanked the Engr. Dr Khalid Khawja (HOD), Engr. Dr Sheeraz Iqbal (Organizer), Engr. Aqib Shafiq Abbasi (CEO Roobitika), Engr. Hamza Khawja (Organizer)& for the great management and hosting. The Head of the Electrical Engineering, Engr. Dr. Khalid Khawja presented the certificates to the resource person Dr Qazi Saqib ul Islam, Engr. Dr Sheeraz Iqbal, Engr. Aqib Shafiq, Engr. Hamza Khawaja and Engr. Saba Munir. Dr Khalid Khaawja thanked resource person for the invaluable guidance to the students.


Seminar on Wearable and Implantable Antennas in Body- Centric Wireless Communication.

Department of Electrical Engineering, UAJ&K on June 09, 2022, arranged a Seminar titled “Wearable and Implantable Antennas in Body- Centric Wireless Communication”. The resource person Prof. Dr. Saadat Hanif Dar delivered a detailed talk on the topic. Students from EED showed a keen interest in this cutting edge research area.




The Art of CV Writing

A CV/resume is an important tool for your job search because it offers a page or two where you can display your top skills and qualities. Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help the candidate get your first interview. Therefore, it matters how one structure his/her resume or CV. In order to teach and guide students for making a good CV/Resume, a seminar entitled “The of Art of CV and Resume Writing” was held on May 24, 2022. The speaker Dr. Syed Basit Ali Bukhari, Assistant Professor of the Electrical Engineering department, discussed different different characteristics of a successful CV and resume with the students. The students were taught about the importance of CV writing skills. Later, several sections of a CV and Resumes and their preparation were discussed. Dr. Basit Bukhari also guided the students how they can tailor made their CV and Resume according to the Job description. All the participants were satisfied with the knowledge gained during the seminar.





How to Ace a Job Interview?

An interview is a vital component of the hiring process that can be nerve-wracking, especially for the fresh graduates. Aligned to the vision of Pakistan Engineering Council, the Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE), UAJK is keen to provide sufficient resources to its students for achieving excellence in their careers. From time to time the DEE arranges various seminars and workshops to equip its students with the requisite skills and knowledge necessary for the market. For that very reason, the DEE has arranged a seminar titled, “How to Ace a Job Interview?” on May 31st, 2022. Dr. Ausnain Naveed, currently serving as Assistant Professor at the DEE was the resource person for the seminar. Dr. Naveed has two years’ experience of being part of the hiring team of a reputed private sector organization of Pakistan. The seminar conducted at the DEE, encompassed best practices, resources and guidelines pertaining to job interviews and it was open to all trainees, faculty and staff. The seminar along with mock interviews provided a platform to the students to experience answering many different interview questions and pretending to interact with potential employers. The feedback given to the students helped them in improving different responses during interviews.

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The Art of Research Proposal Writing

Research proposals play vital role for securing admissions in international graduate schools. In order to teach and guide students for writing a good research proposal, a seminar entitled “The of Art of Research Proposal Writing” was held on June 07, 2022. The speaker Dr. Khalid Khawaja, Head of the Electrical Engineering department, discussed different aspects of the research with the students. The students were taught about the attributes of a good research and importance of research for the flourishment of our society. Later, several parts of a research proposal and their preparation were also discussed. Dr. Khalid Khawaja guided the students how they can contact professors and win scholarships after writing a good research proposal. All the participants were satisfied with the knowledge gained during the seminar as they were able to write a research proposal for scholarships after attending the seminar. The students thanked the department for arranging the effective professional development seminars for them which will help them in job hunting and higher education.

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Cleanliness Awareness Week

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir celebrated Cleanliness Awareness Week between June 13–17, 2022. The primary purpose was to communicate the importance of cleanliness and the positive impact it has on public health, the environment, and our society. The major goal of this campaign was to raise students’ awareness about the importance of cleanliness and its benefits. This dedicated week is once-in-a-year chance to promote public awareness about the importance of cleanliness among Electrical Engineering students and to show appreciation for front-line cleaning workers. As the leading department of the University, we promoted the importance of cleanliness, advocate at the Department and University levels, and raise awareness. Through Departmental Cleaning Week, we can transform the way the community perceives cleaning!

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Career Counselling Seminar by Dean Faculty of Engineering

On September 6, 2022, the Department of Electrical Engineering conducted a two-hour session for final-year BS Electrical Engineering students on career counseling and stream selection. Engr. Dr. Khalid Khawaja, Head of Department of Electrical Engineering, coordinated this session, and the seminar’s resource person was Engr. Dr. Saadat Hanif Dar, Dean Faculty of Engineering, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. This session was attended and actively participated by final-year (8th semester) students. Prof. Dr. Saadat Hanif Dar, the resource person, gave a thorough talk on career planning professionalism, and skills.

Career Planning is a process of making thoughtful choices about the future based on personal goals, interests, capabilities, circumstances and personal and family aspirations. The vision of Counseling and Guidance at Department of Electrical Engineering is to see each student develop the confidence, professionalism, and skills required to kick-start their career and pursue their desired career objectives, be it for a job, higher studies, or an entrepreneurial venture.

The session aimed to offer comprehensive services to students regarding decision-making for the future and to make the audience aware of the multiple career options available. Information related to leading universities, industries, and various modern skills was also shared. Moreover, participants were briefed about facilities that Department of Electrical Engineering provides to their students including the state of art laboratories at University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. After the session, there was a Q/A session, where students got their queries answered satisfactorily.

Overall, this was an extremely enriching experience and participants wish to be a part of such seminars in the future as well. They thought they can stay ahead of the curve with such opportunities to enlighten them.

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