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ORIC Office

It has long been recognized that academic research plays an important role in promoting technological progress and economic growth. In particular, universities play two key roles: they contribute to economic growth through training of skilled personnel, especially in science and engineering; and they produce, store and disseminate research results, which form the basis for follow-on R&D by firms. Promotion of Research is one of the core strategic aims of UAJK. To organize the research activities of university, the UAJK has established fully functional ORIC (Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization).

Objectives of ORIC establishment

The objective of the establishment of the Offices of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) is to develop, expand, enhance and manage the university’s research programs and to link research activities directly to the educational, social and economic priorities of the university and its broader community. The ORIC is also responsible for assuring that the quality of research reflects the highest international standards and advances the stature of the university among the world’s best research institutions. In pursuit of this mission the ORIC has the responsibility of guaranteeing that all research programs and policies reflect the core values of academic freedom, professional integrity and ethical conduct and full compliance with all policies, legal requirements and operational standards of the university.

In short, the ORIC seeks to enhance the environment for all research and learning by:

  1. Supporting the UAJK’s strategic research directions and policies
  2. Promoting cooperative research with enterprises and pulling in more funds

From governmental/private bodies for collaborative research or teaching programs;

  1. Improving recruitment and retention of top faculty.
  2. Improving integration of research and education at all levels of the university.
  3. Improving translation of research into the public benefit

ORIC will also look for Strengthening university-industry relationships by:

  1. Promoting entrepreneurship, technology-transfer and commercialization activities that energize and support the local and national economy.
  2. Promoting and enhancing cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary research initiatives
  3. Acquisition of or access to up-to date equipment
  4. Discovering opportunities for staff and students to become familiar with state-of-the-art industrial science and technology and management systems and enhancement of their familiarity with the constraints of industry
  5. Improving interaction of higher education departments and employers for the development and adaptation of technology oriented degree programs


In recent times ORIC has been involved in various activities which have made significant contribution towards the betterment of society as well as enhancement of the skills of the faculty staff, Seminars on Disaster Management, Environmental and Climate change, Hepatitis screening campaign as well as presentations and workshops and training on social issues to name a few. Previously ORIC successfully organized training workshops for the staff and faculty members regarding Patents and Intellectual property rights and project proposal writing skills.

Collaborations and Linkages

ORIC also deals linkages with national and international academic and industrial organizations. The ORIC signed MoUs with different Turkish Universities for scholarships and students exchange. After comprehensive meetings twelve (12) scholarships were awarded to faculty members and students of different department of University of AJK. ORIC also signed MoUs for Mevlana Student and Faculty Exchange Programme. Large number of students and faculty members from different departments would benefit from this programme. More collaboration are in the pipeline at national level ORIC signed MoU with National Vocational & Technical Training Commission for Prime Minister Youth Skill Development Programme. Courses in Computer Skills and Textile Designing are successfully running in AJK University with the collaboration of NAVTTC for unemployed and unskilled youth belonging to different areas of AJK.

Current Events/Activities 

ORIC – Awareness Seminar on Technology Development FundWorkshop on Writing Winning Research Grant Proposals by ORICCommercializationTeamEventsContact Us