IntroductionPublicationsProgramsFaculty Members


Sr. No Department Faculty Member Designation Paper Title Authors List Journal Name ISSN Volume Issue Pages Publication Date Impact Factor Category
1  Kashmir Instiute of Economics Dr. Syed Nisar Hussain Hamdani Prof/ Director Time poverty Analysis Under Divine Economics Approach: A case Study of Muzaffarabad Syed Nisar Hussain Hamdani Maria Siddique and Tariq Majeed Kashmir Economics Review 1011-081X 26 1 80-118 2017 0 Z
2 Dr. Sardar Javaid Iqbal Khan Associate Professor The Impact of Foreign Aid on Education in Pakistan Khan, Sardar Javaid Iqbal Journal of Education in Black Sea  Region 2519-5336 3 1 106-115 2017 0 w
Evidence on Scale Economics in National Bank of Pakistan Khan, Sardar Javaid Iqbal International Science Index, International Journal of Economics, and Management Engineering 512-594 11 8 512-94 2017 x
3 Dr. Samina Sabir Assistant Professor (BPS-19) Impact of political stability and human capital on foreign direct investment in East Asia & Pacific and South Asian countries Samina Sabir and Ahsan Khan Asian Journal of Economic Modelling 2312-3656 6 3 245-256 15th May, 2018 0 Y
Competition in the Banking Sector of Pakistan: Evidence from Unscaled and Scaled Revenue Equations Samina Sabir and Abdul Qayyum Journal of Economic cooperation and development 1308-7800 39 1 1-May 30th March, 2018 0 Y
Economic Infrastructure and Long Run Economic Growth in Pakistan: A New Insight Samina Sabir Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 2222-1700 9 7 129-142 25th April, 2018 0 Y
4 Dr. Ghulam Yahya Khan Assistatnt Professor (BPS-19) The Impact of Foreign Aid on Education in Pakistan, Anwar, Muhammad Masood., Khan, Ghulam Yahya  and Dr. Sardar Javaid Iqbal Khan International Review of Humanities and Scientific Research 216-223 2017 Y
Globalization and Unemployment in Pakistan. Anwar, Muhammad Masood., Khan, Ghulam Yahya and Asian Economic and Financial Review 2 2 634-643 2017 Doi:10.18488/journal.aefr.2017.77.
5 Dr. Khushbakht Zahid Assistant Professor Climate change and profit efficiency in Punjab, Pakistan: Evidence from household-level panel data. Khush Bukhat ZAHID & Munir AHMED Journal of economic library 2149-2379 5 1 85.98 Mar-18 0 Y
Data Regarding Research Publications 2017-2018 – papers submitted/accepted
KIE Dr. Samina Sabir Assistant Professor (BPS-19) Corruption, Growth and Income Inequality Samina Sabir Research Journal of Social Science 2522-3895 7 1 Accepted 0
Impact of CPEC Karot Hydropower project on economic growth, sectoral output and real factor wages of Pakistan: A CGE model application Samina Sabir Research Project funded by CPEC center of Excellence, Islamabad. Submitted 0