Quality is the means through which an institution can guarantee with confidence and certainty, that the standards of its educational provision are being maintained and enhanced. Quality has become an in-expendable part of augmentation plan of Higher Education espoused by the Higher Education Commission.

Quality in higher education is a dynamic entity which is the outcome of interaction among many factors including inter alia, leadership, quality of faculty and students, infrastructure facilities, research and learning environment, governance, strategic planning, assessment procedures, and market force.

University of AJ&K is moving ahead on the path of tremendous progress in higher learning sector using human and financial resources to increase the access to programs and using all cautions to assure quality of the increased base of higher learning programs.

The Higher Education Commission has included QEC of University of  Azad Jammu and Kashmir in its Phase-IV of 24 QECs. HEC is now ranking the QECs on basis of performance. QEC has initiated functioning at all Departments of Main Campus. The self evaluation system is being introduced in the university and has completed many Self Assessment Reports (SARs), implementation Plan Summaries and Assessment Team Visits of the Departments of main campus. Numerous fruitful feedbacks received from Assessment Team experts for improvement. Our motive is to enhance the quality of education compatible to the international standard. QEC is also underway to take the feedback from Students, Alumni, Employers, Teachers and Research students online for better comments/feedbacks and comparison with other QECs of public sector Universities of Pakistan. QEC UAJK is working to streamline the online evaluation process for swift and precise analysis of data to promulgate the concept. QEC has also initiated online Course and Teacher Evaluation, Graduating, Faculty surveys.

The Quality Enhancement Cell at University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir has spread its functionality and is seeking Institutional membership for collaboration with International bodies like Asia Pacific Quality Assurance network (APQN). Moreover the assessment and QA concept is started in Elementary Colleges to assess the ADE Programs. The ADE programs have been started in collaboration with Pre-STEP (USAID), AJK Government (DCRD) and are assessed by QEC University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Self-Assessment Procedure

In this section the procedure for conducting a self assessment is described. Each academic program shall undergo a self-assessment (SA) every two years (assessment cycle). The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) is responsible for planning, coordinating and following up on the self-assessment (SA) activities. The steps of the procedure for SA are as follows:

The QEC initiates the SA one semester prior to the end of the assessment cycle through the Vice Chancellor / Rector Office in which the program is offered. However, if the program is undergoing the SA for the first time, the department will be given one academic year for preparation.

Upon receiving the initiation letter the department shall form a program team (PT). The PT will be responsible for preparing a self-assessment report (SAR) about the program under consideration over a period of one semester. They will be the contact group during the assessment period.

The department shall submit the SAR to the QEC through the concerned Dean. The QEC reviews the SAR within one month to ensure that it is prepared according to the required format.

The Vice Chancellor / Rector forms a program assessment team (AT) in consultation with the QEC recommendations within one month. The AT comprises of 2-3 faculty members from within or outside the university. The AT must have at least one expert in the area of the assessed program.

The AT conducts the assessment, submits a report and presents its findings in an exit meeting that shall be attended by the QEC, Dean and PT and faculty members. The QEC shall submit an executive summary on the AT findings to the Vice Chancellor / Rector.

The Department shall prepare and submit an implementation plan to QEC based on the AT findings. The plan must include AT findings and the corrective actions to be taken, assignment of responsibility and a time frame for such actions.

The QEC shall follow up on the implementation plan to ensure departments are adhering to the implementation plan. The academic department shall inform the QEC each time a corrective action is implemented. QEC shall review the implementation plan once a semester to assess the progress of implementation.

QEC Objectives

QEC is also responsible to develop procedures for:

  • Approval of new programs
  • Monitoring & evaluation including program monitoring, faculty monitoring & student perception.
  • Departmental review
  • Student feedback
  • QA of various degree programs
  • Subject review
  • Institutional assessment
  • Program specifications
  • Qualification framework

Q.E.C Activities

  • Deputy Director QEC Imran Maqbool Abbasi conducted a training session on SAR writing for the faculty memebers of the university of Kolti.
  • QEC has conducted a training session for capacity building of affiliated colleges faculty at Fatima tuz Zohra College Kotli
  • QEC Organized One Day training for faculty members on Preparation of SAR and Online ERP Surveys
  • QEC conducted SAR evaluation meetings for the department of management science, Education, Health Sciences, English and chemistry. Dr. Haji Rehman Director QEC University of Buner KPK and Dr.Jahangir Ex-Director QEC University of Malakand participated as expert for evaluation of SAR.
  • QEC has Organized SAR Meeting Department of Statistics M.Phil and BS Programe at KAC.
  • Quality Enhancement Cell UAJ&K has organized three days training on “Teaching Practices & Research Practice” for faculty members of affiliated colleges at College of Education Bagh
  • QEC UAJK has organized one day workshop for the faculty member on FM Knowledge CAASE 2014 Methodology for Mentoring of Graduates

FM Knowledge CAASE 2014

  • Prof. Dr. Ayaz Arif Director QEC and Imran Maqbool Abbasi Deputy Director QEC are receiving best performance award from Dr. Nadia Tahir Managing Director QAA-HEC.

  • The Quality Enhancement Cell UAJ&K Assessment Team, Dr. Ammir Assistant professor Mathematics, Mr.Imran Maqbool Abbasi Deputy Director QEC and Mr. Naqash have visited Chinnar Degree College Bagh for the evaluation of BS- Mathematics Program.

Director Quality Enhancement Cell

Dr. Ayaz Arif Khan



Assistant Director

Imran Maqbool Abbasi

M.Phil/Ph.D Review Proformas

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